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Friday, November 18, 2011

Odd Mom Rantings From Halloween

This was written on Halloween Morning and I am not sure why it never got posted, I think everything I posted about yesterday just got in the way. So that is why it is written in the present tense and I didn't edit it. I liked it the way it was. Hope you had a Happy Halloween

Halloween. For the first year since HistoryBoy started school, I am not room mom. I don't have to run a party and have games and crafts all set. I am not feeling overwhelmed, going what did I forget? In all honesty, I feel let down. Weird, huh?

I keep saying how much he is growing up. It is amazing how much he has grown and matured just this past summer in particular. Now here is the first holiday where it smacks me in the face and I really notice it. I am not needed to help out anymore. He is in middle school. Wow! He isn't a baby anymore, and while he hasn't been for a long time, I've always had to do things for school so it is a little sad.

Ok, it is also great that I don't have to bake cupcakes, or make sure I have enough crafts but I honestly did love doing those things. I didn't mind, it made me part of his day. I got to know the kids in his class by name. I would know which games worked and which didn't for the next party. A piece of is or I guess wasn't ready to let go yet. I feel a little bereft. Maybe they just don't do anything big for Halloween, maybe Thankgiving or Christmas and I will feel needed. It sounds so corny. Who gets upset about NOT having to be doing extra work. I think part of it also that I haven't been feeling well so maybe it is hitting me harder than it should, but don't worry I won't be so blubbery tomorrow. I mean we DO want our kids to grow up to be successful that is we are trying to do and I mean the kid is only in middle school. It's not like I shipped him to college. He still gets off the bus everyday and comes in and gives me a big hug and wants a snack so I am still needed, just a little less.

It's just the little less that scares me....

Until tomorrow or the day after at the latest
Don't forget to leave me a comment or email! I love hearing from you!!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Just a Note of Sucees and Being a Proud Mom

As you know, or as I mentioned in a previous blog, HistoryBoy has been sick for a while. Luckily, it is NOT pnuemonia. He just has a cough/chest cold/infection. He is on anti-biotics and this will hopefully work its magic!!

This blog is emails from the past few days that have gone back and forth between his teacher and I. They didn't start out so well. I emailed his teacher Tuesday because I was having a horrible time getting him ready. It goes on from there...

From: TeenaHope
Sent: Tuesday, November 15, 2011 6:53 AM
To: HistoryBoy's Teacher
Subject: Re: (No subject)
Was he ok yesterday? Getting ready for school today is horrendous. He is in tears saying he feels like he is going to throw up. Did anything happen yesterday? I keep asking him but all I am getting is he doesn't feel well.

From: HistoryBoy's Teacher
Sent: Tuesday, November 15, 2011 9:15 AM
To: TeenaHope
Subject: RE: (No subject)Hi,
He had a little rough afternoon yesterday. He didn't really want to do a power point project that we were completing, it took a while to get him started with that. He wouldn't speak to me about the project and was refusing to answer me when I was asking him questions. He also was not feeling real well. He was coughing a lot. So he may really not be feeling well. I hope he feels better. I hope this explains things better.
Homework for tonight
Read Ch9 in Loser
Math Boxes 3.4-3.7
Book report
Written spelling words sort 3
He will have to make up a science test

(AS a note he did stay home from school Tuesday and I took him to the Pediatrician gave him antibiotics this time and sent him for a Chest X-ray but told him he should try to make it through school the next day at least until we know the results of the scan)

From: TeenaHope
Sent: Wednesday, November 16, 2011 12:08 PM
To: HistoryBoy'sTeacher
Subject: Re: (No subject)
Please let me know how he is today. He is really trying. I know he feels rotten. I really appreciate your patience and understanding. I hope today is better than Monday.

From: HistoryBoy's Teacher
Sent: Wednesday, November 16, 2011 1:58 PM
To: TeenaHope
Subject: RE: (No subject)
He has done GREAT today. He came in ready to work and has done a great job so far. He is still coughing a lot, so I am sure that is tough, but we made a big deal about how great he is doing today. We also discussed the inde card and earning extra band time. Yippee HistoryBoy!!!

So maybe we are on a road to recovery or at least he is in a mindset that he is going to get the word done either way which I am very proud of his for. He can do anything he sets his mind, WHEN he wants do. That WHEN is a biggie. LOL As most of us parents of Aspies know.

Until tomorrow or the next day at the lastest...

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Tough Days/Weeks SUCK

I realized I haven't blogged in two weeks. I have had lots of thoughts, millions of them and I just didn't feel up to putting them out them. I apologize for my laziness if it can be called that. It wasn't exactly that. I will explain.

First, Halloween ran away with me. We (Angus and I) took HistoryBoy, HyperGirl and SassyGirl Trick or Treating. I didn't make it too far. I ended up sitting in the car and Angus walked with the kids. HistoryBoy ened up not feeling well and being sent home from school the next day. He hadn't had much candy just to let you know. He loves trick or treating but he is allergic to chocolate and peanuts so that limits what he can actually eat after the adventure. Doc says it's just his allergies. Fun.

He makes it through the rest of the week. He has the whole next week off due to election day and the teacher's convention and whatnot. We had great plans for this week. However, this cough has other plans for us. He seems to be coughing non-stop. Back to the doc we go... Doc says it could be a virus but he is going to a strep test to be sure. (This is Monday) Now HistoryBoy in the midst of all of this, is supposed to be training for his Black Belt in Karate and is feeling very poorly, which is affecting his performance, with less than a month less to go is making him stressed on top of everything else. So our nice week off turned into a week in bed sleeping, eating soup and drinking lots of fluids and only going out to go to karate class.

He went back to school yesterday to be sent home sick. He stayed home today. Back to the doc again. Today, the doc sent us for a chest x-ray, he didn't like the way he sounded. I have been saying he had a horrible cough from the beginning. It sucks. He sounds like Darth Vadar when he breaths today. He is blowing out so much snot I am going to have to buy stock in Kleenex.

Thankfully for me, I can still rest myself when he is resting. I can make soup in the microwave. He doesn't care. I can hand him a yogurt as a snack. and we can both go back to sleep. Doc says to try to send him to school tomorrow. So I am going to try. He is hoping he makes it through the day. I just want him to have a year where he doesn't pick up EVERY sticking bug that comes down the road. That is usually my job.

Until tomorrow or the day after at the latest...