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Friday, September 2, 2016

The last time I posted was over a year ago.  Sorry to disappear for so long but I got very sick shortly thereafter, ended up in hospital for two week in January 2015.  I had gastritis and colitis which somehow led to me getting an abscess in my abdomen. Don't ask me how.. The docs couldn't agree. It was this, it was that... I came home with a drain out my hip,  It looked kinda like the end of a turkey baster and I had to empty every day and measure and make sure it wasn't getting infected .  (ie that means the fluid wasn't bloody) It was a gross process that took about two weeks to finally resolve itself.  Aren't you glad you found all this out? Lol. It took quite a while to come back from that and HistoryBoy was sick in the mix as well.  More about all of that later but I just wanted to post a short Hello.