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Monday, December 9, 2013

More Reading...

As many of you know, HistoryBoy has never been a fan of fiction , until recently (The Hard Road to Reading).  He is now devouring books.  I couldn't be prouder. He seems to especially love fantasy books.  He is on Book 3 of Percy Jackson, and Book 4 of Guardians of the Ga'Hooole.  He is itchy to start the Hunger Games. I told him reading 2 books at once is enough, lol.  

To illustrate my point, HistoryBoy actually wrote in an essay about himself...

"My reading is great and getting better as time goes on. I will be on top of my game and beat the forty book challenge. They should make it a sixty book challenge because kids our age could read even more books than forty books in ten months."

I laughed when he told me, "I don't know how I could have been such a reader slacker mom!I am so proud of him.

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Not Procrastinating...

I'm not procrastinating, really I'm not. I mean, I meant to post a blog Monday but HistoryBoy was sick and I had a migraine. 

But what about Tuesday you ask. HistoryBoy was home sick and I was trying to pretend that this ugh feeling was only my allergies. 

So Wednesday comes around and I take us to the doctors... Turns out HistoryBoy has a throat infection but his sinuses look ok, because he's Ben flushing them with saline rinse. Me on the other hand... I had a sore throat and laryngitis or at least that is what I went to the Dr. for. Turns out I had your infection sinus infection as well as laryngitis and pharyngitis. Good times in our household. 

In addition, HistoryBoy is getting bloodwork done to find out what is going on with his immune system. He has been sick so much... They have already done the " normal" ones like mono, lymes, Epstein-Barr... Now we do the hope and pray it's not, like Lupus, and Juvenile Arthritis and other auto-immune. 

I swear I wasn't procrastinating in writing this, I've just been saying a lot of prayers, trying to figure out my next step, not entirely sure of what to say. HistoryBoy has enough against him already... We need answers, not another crappy diagnosis. Aren't ADHD, Asperger's, Epilepsy, asthma and all his allergies enough?