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Sunday, July 31, 2011

Picture of the Week

My son made this for his back to school night this past year.
It was hanging in the hallway for all parents to see.

There is no false modesty in my child

Monday, July 25, 2011

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Bullying 101

I read a few articles on bullying and children and then a few blogs about what to look for, and I realized that we have already been there, done that.

At a young age HistoryBoy had to handle bullying, but he didn't know it. I did. To him the were his friends, his classmates, the kids he played with on the playground. No one knew anything was wrong until I said something. So be aware, and listen to what your children say.

When HistoryBoy was in Kindergarten, he had a hard time adjusting at first to the 1/2 day routine. He had just been diagnosed with ADHD and was struggling. He was switched to the all day Kindergarten curriculum and started to flourish. It was amazing. What he struggled with in a 1/2 day he did awesome with in an all day class. Not exactly sure how that one works, but in his case, it did.

However, he came home within a few weeks, and he was using the work freak. I don't use this word at least not in respect to my son or around my son. When he was having a meltdown would use it to describe himself, saying "I'm a freak" He would cry and I would soothe him as best I could. I came to find out that his "friends" were calling him a freak as recess when he didn't interact with them. The problem was HistoryBoy wasn't reporting the bullying. He thought they were his friends. Yet on some level he must have known that freak wasn't a good thing otherwise why would he have melted down and sobbed it to me.

I brought it back to the school. They didn't know about it. If HistoryBoy doesn't report it, nothing can be done about it. I told them, he didn't understand what was going on. These kids were bullying him and calling him names yet he thought they were his friends, because he didn't know the difference. He knows now because I have told him. If someone calls you names, they are not your friend. If someone picks on you, they are not your friend. If someone hurts you, they are not your friend.

It is was so hard to get him to understand this though. Children, like adults, can show two sides, one to teachers and another to others. Just because someone talks to you, doesn't mean they like you or are you friend. Not everyone in your class in your going to be your friend. How do you explain this to a 5 or 6 year old who sees everyone equally. In his eyes everyone is nice and are his friends.

My solution was not to burst his bubble. I wanted his world to be safe and wonderful, and if that is the way he sees it for now, let him. It will change as he grows up, but if someone messes with him, this mama bear is going to eat them alive. You can be sure of that. I don't care if he realizes he is being made fun of or picked on or not. No one has the right to do that to another child, regardless. Just because my child doesn't realize he is being bullied doesn't mean these other children should not be stopped now.

I am not above being a b*tch mom. I have the school directory. I know who the kid is and I can call his mom and talk to her about it. Let's see what she has to say. Maybe she'll spank him or maybe the apple didn't fall far of the tree but you do what you have to do to protect your child. If that doesn't work, don't be afriad to take it to the school and let them know what is going on and make sure they do something about it.

I hope my little tirade gave some insight...more tomorrow (or the next day)
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Tuesday, July 19, 2011

The AMAZING Doodle

I don't know why it tickled me so much that I wanted to write about this but I think it is pretty funny and cute.

When we spent the weekend with Ariel and Eric in June, I got to spend some time with Doodle. On Sunday, when I woke up from my nap, I found that Ariel and her mom had comes gone shopping without me to Target, one of my FAVE stores. I was disappointed that she hadn't woken me up but I had probably needed my sleep.

A few minutes later, Doodle comes in and asks wheretha her mom is. I tell her that she went to Target with her Grandmom. Doodle turns to me with her big blue eyes and a pout and says "She went to Target without us?" I said Yes. "But she know that is one of my favorite stores." It is one of my favorites too. I also like Kohls. "Kohls is good but we don't live near one anymore so now Target is my favorite. They have cool clothes and shoes."

Somebody's mom taught them this important things in life. Oh, did I forget to mention that Doodle is only 8?

Until tomorrow (hopefully)

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Sunday, July 10, 2011

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Ok, So Maybe My Body Can't Handle Water Aerobics

I decided to try out the resorts Water Aerobics program the morning. I go to the pool and stretch myself. Nothing too strenuous, just enough to feel a little tied and need the hot tub and then go back to the pool to cool off. But my mom asked me to join her, so I decided to.

B.A.D. Idea. Well... maybe just a not so great idea after a not so great night of not sleeping. But I wasn't feeling tired. I felt ok. The workout started out fine. Just a warm-up, just like I do myself mostly, sort of a jog in place although I do it out in deeper water, which may have been the difference here. It felt like we warmed up FOREVER. At first I was fine, it was fun, but then, the warm-ups made me exhausted, and we hadn't even started the actual workout yet.

Once we started the actual workout, first my body gave a weak tired protest, like please no more, we need a rest. I pushed a little more. So my body retaliated by giving my a horrible pinch in my back which I never get working out in the water. I had to give up working out and just dangle in the water and periodically just bicycled my legs a little and tried to stretch my back out. My body gave me a weak, "told you so", which I grudgingly acknowledged.

When the workout was over, I walked carefully to the stairs of the pool and couldn't believe how hard it was to walk out of the pool. My legs felt like lead. I usually feel tired, but not achy and completely sore after the pool, so maybe I am not up to their workout and should stick with my out "easy does it" work out. At least my body won't fight me on it. I made it to the hot tub to soothe the aches but I am going to need to take a nap to rejuvenate my body. I usually take one after lunch. Unfortunately I don't think I will make that today. Oh well. Live and learn.

Until tomorrow.

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Friday, July 8, 2011

Sleeping With an Octopus

As most of you are aware, we are on the "Get Me Healthy" trip. As with most vacations, you share beds as needed. For this part of the trip it has been my mom and dad and HistoryBoy with me. So my mom and dad share a bed (King Size) and HistoryBoy and I in the other. And one glorious night he wanted to sleep with them and I got a bed to myself! WOOHOO! lol!

Now him sleeping in bed with me is a practice I have been weening him off of at home. He is 10, he should be in his own bed, blah blah blah. But it is harder to do that on vacation when all you have is a pull out sofabed to share. Hey HistoryBoy, why don't you sleep on the floor tonight. No, I really didn't say that, because he night just do it.

So anyway, we are sharing a full/queen bed which should be enough space you would think for us. BUT somehow it is not. I seem to end up on the last 6 inches almost off of the bed, with limbs wrapped all over me. I swear he grows extra legs and arms in his sleep. I remove one and there are two more to take its place, like a hydra from Greek mythology! I am not kidding! He can't get close enough.

One night I swear I awoke I was wearing HistoryBoy as a pillow/hat. I do not know how it happened or why he thought it was a comfortable position but believe me it wasn't for me. I awoke to an arm in my face and a foot in my stomach. I still boggle at how he got there without me noticing him. I am usually a fairly light sleeper. I must has been TOO tired to care about anything.

I have finally found a sort of cure for it. I have to put a line of pillow down the middle of the bed and he has to fall asleep before I do. If I fall asleep first, he moves them and the purpose of the pillows is lost because he cuddles up right next to me and OctopusBoy is back. He sleeps great and my sleep is not so great at best. If he falls asleep first he cuddles the pillows rather than me but he can still reach me over the pillows if he wants to hold my hand or something like that and as long as I don't move the pillows in my sleep which I have done at least once (I woke up less than 5 min later because HistoryBoy was suddenly THUMP against me) it works! YEAH! GO ME! Sleep! oooo! ahh! zzzzzz!

I hope you have enjoyed my little tales about trying to get some sleep while sharing a bed with HistoryBoy. Maybe you have a similiar tale with your little one! I think most parents do!

Until next time... I would love to hear from you so feel free to leave a comment or email me at

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Missing Me

Most days I wake up, I know that I have limitations. I know I can't leap over buildings or do anything exciting like even run around the block without injuring myself, but I used to. I used to swim regularly, ride my bike, coach soccer, teach full time, teach CCD and still have energy to play games and run around with my son. But in the last few years, I got lost somewhere, where did I go?

I have been searching for myself, trying to push myself a little bit by inches to see if I am capable of more. What I find is that some day pushing myself is ok a little is ok, there is minimal payback, which means I have a little extra aches but I can deal yet others days payback is a real b*tch. I push only the same amount as I did any other day and I am so worn out I can't function.
I do not know how to explain it. I can't explain it. My body has no "just a little more" button. Enough is enough. That is it. If I overdo it now, I have to live with the consequences, whether it is an hour of feeling poorly or several days.

I want the energy to go out and do the things I used to do. I want to be able to hug my son regular without worrying about him being careful not to hurt me. I want to be able to enjoy life with my husband. I want to go out to see friends I haven't seen in months or years, even though they "understand", because I am too sick or tired to go out.

I apologize if this blog is a little too "poor me," but every one in a while I think I am entitled. Everyone is entitled to one of those every once in a while. I am just tired of feeling tired. That's all. I want my son not to feel disappointed again that his mom isn't like other moms. I hate that look in his eyes. It is there more and more often and I know I will keep seeing it in the next few years. He is so good about it most of the time, but every once in a while, "Mom, don't you want to..." And I am just too tired or sore or both to do what he would like me to, and I feel horrible for it because I know that really all he wants is my attention and time and my body won't even allow me to give him that. Don't worry I'll be ok tomorrow.

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Monday, July 4, 2011

I apologize for delays between postings

I had it all planned out. I was going to have a bunch of extra blogs all written and ready to go and then type up a blog each morning and publish it. If i wasn't feeling up to it, I would use one of my "extras" as filler. As the say, the best laid plans...

I had plenty of ideas. Still do, but they haven't been written down and I haven't really been on my computer long enough to do much writing. When I wake up, breakfast, then pool or beach with HistoryBoy finding a nice shady spot so I don't melt or break out in a beautiful lupus rash in the heat. Then it is lunch time, then nap time for me.

I have tried to use a little of that time to use the computer but most days I am so tired, I start my blog but wipe out and when I awake I forget to finish my thought. I think there are about 6 unfinished blogs saved for a rainy day, I just have to pick up the unfinished thoughts where they left off, which isn't always as easy as it should be.

Once our "get me healthy" trip is over, posting will begin to be regular again. I hope my readers, but especially my loyal followers can understand.

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