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Saturday, March 26, 2022

Running on Empty

Tiredness is ruling my life lately, and it is hard to determine what is contributing. Is it my Lupus? Fibro? EBV? Anemia? Or a combo of any of the above? 

Either way, it sucks. It mean that I have less energy to do the things I normally can. It means folding a load of laundry leaves me wiped out as does taking a shower or bath. Forget errands where I have to leave the house, I'll be done in for the day. 

Ask HistoryBoy, he had an appointment for a checkup that I took him to and as soon as we got home I went to bed. I'm used to not being able to do multiple things outside the house but not being able to complete small chores without exhausting myself is a new one for me. 

I made dinner the other day, and it completely did me in. I had to get HistoryBoy to finish it for me because i needed to sit down. After sitting for a few min, I realized that I needed to lay down. I ended up sleeping 2 hours. HistoryBoy and Angus ate without me. I told them to but it means I didn't get to enjoy the fruits of my labor. There weren't any leftovers either. Lol

Do you have days like this? My days have been running into weeks like these. The exhaustion can be overwhelming but I try to not let it get to me. I won't let my lupus (and other ailments) defeat me. I am a fighter and will continue fighting.  

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