EVERYTHING on top of their desks ALL day. You should see how they are stacked. They will get lockers...eventually, but not yet. They are still in the adjustment period. I am not sure who decides when they are adjusted enough to get a locker. Is there a locker fairy who taps each kid on the head and says "You are now locker ready!" And suddenly They Are!... Nah I don't think so.
But Anyway. So After the presentation, we signed up for the PTO, and checked out the band room. Yes our HistoryBoy is going to be in the band! I will tell that story tomorrow maybe. :-) All in all Back to school night went well. I even ran
into an old friend. Her son is in HistoryBoy's class! When I realized it, I texted her! Yes, I texted her while sitting in the Mrs S's Back to School Night presentation. I said "YAY! Our kids are in the same class! We can hang out now! Not like we couldn't hang out before, but now we have an excuse! LOL!" I was all non-chalant about the texting, hiding my phone under the desk while doing it, and she took her phone out of her purse to check hers, and laugh and look at me, lol!
I think HistoryBoy and I are going to have a fun year!
love it!!!