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Friday, September 23, 2011


Yes, HistoryBoy had an audition. We should hear back by Sunday if we get a call back. He was very nervous. I shouldn't have told him anything about it. Then he would have walked right in and been himself. He was subdued below his normal self and he normally loves auditions. I wanted him to be prepared and it was for a movie not just an extra. So he was nervous. But they like him, and LOVED his look and his pictures and wanted to definitely hold on to his pictures. So even if this isn't a match, maybe they have something that is. We will cross our fingers and hope.

This is what he keeps telling me he wants to do. He wants to acts. He wants to sing. As long as he wants to keep trying I will take him on auditions. We have prepared him though that he could try out for hundreds of things and maybe get one, maybe none at all. He still wants to try, he enjoys it. As long as he enjoys it, then it is what we will do. The moment, he no longer enjoys it. That is the moment, we will stop, and reconsider. We want him to be a kid.

He hopes to be the next Justin Bieber or Zack and Cody! LOL! He's got the looks and the voice. Watch out world! If he decides to come!!

1 comment:

  1. lol, I completely understand. My daughter wants to model and everytime I get the courage up to send in her photos, I back down. I fear that world, she loves that world.
