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Sunday, December 2, 2012

Long Time Gone...

Happy Halloween!   

Happy Thanksgiving! 

Merry Christmas!! 

It's been awhile.. Sorry I've been so bad at a keeping up.  A lot has been going on, and I mean ALOT.  History Boy has going up and down and my health is in a spiral so things have just not been going our way for a long time.  I haven't feel up to writing or knowing what to say or how to put a positive spin on it.. Especially after my last blog post.

History Boy was diagnosed with epilepsy back in April.  Getting a handle on that was not easy or fun in any way, but we did and he was fine until school started back up again.

Problem #1:  History Boy is underweight.  So much so now that it is affecting his height.  We had to lower his ADHD meds, which HB is not happy about because he thinks it affects his focus, which it does. BUT we HAVE to catch up his weight.  He is like 14% for weight now.  If a strong wind blows he will fall over.

Problem #2:  History Boy DOES NOT handle stress well. Aspergers or not.  Stress triggers seizures.  Guess how much fun we had in beginning months of school. Oh by the way, school was not much help, as least not nurse, she does not seem to know what an absent seizure is, so when History Boy tells her somethings is wrong she doesn't believe him and he doesn't want to go to school because he isn't feeling well and isn't getting the help he needs. Its a vicious cycle/circle.  I haven't written my nasty letter yet, but I am thinking of it.  I don't want to cut him off from his only avenue of help in school, you know.  Maybe I need to take a BIG pamphlet in to her on absent seizures. (actually I could write several MORE problems involving her but I will stop here)

Problems #3: History Boy has a teacher he does not get along with, a yeller.  History Boy does not handle being yelled at.  He freaks out.  Shrinks inside himself.  Will not respond.  If a teacher hopes to get History Boy to respond with these tactics the picked the wrong kid.  He had 3 seizures in a week because he was afraid to go to this class and be yelled at.  Ok, he wasn't being yelled at all the time, but History Boy just couldn't handle him yelling.  Explaining that sometimes teachers are going to yell didn't work.  My biggest threat to him is "HB, do you want me to start yelling at you?" He usually toes the line.

Problem#3:  I was hospitalized in October for what they believed was a TIA or stroke.  Turns out my body just doesn't like me.  It might be my lupus that did this.  We don't know for sure.  It happened six years ago, for those of you who might remember me being hospitalized with similar symptoms, again possibly my lupus hacking my brain and causing stroke like symptoms.  FUN times.  Although six years ago the recovery was faster.  This time my body is not being as helpful.  6 weeks later I am better, but not BETTER.  I still can't walk on my own without use of walker or leaning on someone or speak clearly without a stutter.  It sucks. 

Problem #4:  The joys of being me.  I have been out so rarely.  I have gone to doctor appts.  I have gone to the store a coupe of times. I went to History Boy's parent teacher conference.  Somewhere in those travels, I picked up mono.  EVER BETTER right?  I had this pain in my left side for about 2 -3 weeks.  I thought maybe I was getting pleurisy which I can get this time of year with my Lupus and I put off going to the doctor.  I dealt with it, until I got a sinus infection to go with it that gave ne such a back headache along with the migraine I already had, I couldn't take it.  So I do have a sinus infection but the tenderness of my spleen leads them to believe I have mono.  Oh JOY, I needed something else to be wrong in time for the holidays.  I am glad I got all my shopping done. (No I really did)  Mostly online.

If you know how to solve my problems, let me know.  I am taking ideas.  LOL

1 comment:

  1. I want to laugh but I know it isn't funny - and I only want to laugh because I cannot imagine what you are going through with TWO of you having issues that are not easily remedied! Prayers to you both!
