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Monday, April 25, 2011

The first time you realize something is different about your child

You want to cry. Why should he be different? Are you sure little Sally next to him isn't just amazingly gifted or something? He knows his numbers and letters. He speaks well. Ok yes I know he can't sit still very long but he can stay on one topic, as him about trains or start singing a wiggles soundtrack and you are good for hours.

These traits confused the doctors. They decided ADHD was the most prominent condition and once that was under control we could address HistoryBoy's other issues. It was amazing. It took some trial and error to find the right medication but once we did, it worked wonders. So much so that it left little doubt that he also had Asperger's, once the ADHD was under control. With his ADHD under control. he reads almost like some textbook cases of Asperger's. And there is no magic cure or pill for Asperger's, it is trial and error and therapy and hope it works.

The scary part comes now. HistoryBoy is on the cusp of puberty. He is only 10. But we can tell the hormones have started the telltale baby mustache, he has gotten a few zits, and started with mood swings, more so than the normal Aspie ones. Fun stuff I tell you. If anyone had advice on that I will GLADLY take it. I am so not ready for a teenager yet. Like I said he is still 10, he will be 11 this summer... it never gets easier

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