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Tuesday, April 26, 2011

The first time you realize something is different about your child - Part 2

Yesterday’s blog was not long enough and didn’t say as much as I could have said. I should have said it took me a long time to realize that HistoryBoy was different from other kids. Not just different but different enough to be excluded by others his own age. In preschool kids pretty much do their own thing; I play with this you play with that. They may play with the same toys but they don't always intersect play. HistoryBoy also had VERY definite ideas of how to play. You had to play it his way or you couldn’t play with him. He would get very agitated. I just assumed it was immaturity. He was a boy, he was a born 5 ½ weeks early. It would all come in time. But it didn’t. His preschool teacher was the one who recommended we get him evaluated by the child study team. Why? Won’t he be ok in Kindergarten? He has all the skills he needs. Should I have realized he needed help sooner? Did I do something wrong? Did my mommy radar go off somewhere? All of these thoughts went through my head. I went home all upset, cried and I realized I couldn’t change anything I had done up to that point. I could only go from here. Kicking myself wouldn’t help HistoryBoy. So I set up the Child Study Team Evaluation and an appointment with a pediatric neurologist. It was just the beginning…

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