When you decide to be a mom, or when you suddenly find or you are going to be a mom, like most of us, well my first inclination was to go holy crap! But after initial shock I started to plan.

Anyway, NONE of those books prepared me for a kid like HistoryBoy. Are the books out there for kids like him, cause at this point I am kinda winging it? If there is an expert on my son I would LOVE to meet him or her. And not one of those "fake" expects who knows all about my "type" of child. I just need to love him more or reprimand him more. If this child gets anymore love he will live on my lap or move back into my uterus. And as far as reprimanding, you can't yell at a kid with Asperger's, it just doesn't work. I'm not saying we haven't tried it sometimes when completely frustrated, believe me, I'm sure you've have your days too. None of us is perfect. LOL. He just shuts down.

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