church early and got a seat in the balcony which my son from here on called HistoryBoy loves. I personally have trouble walking up the stairs with my hip but that is another issue entirely, but it makes him happy and he will behave all through mass. All is going well until about halfway through he tries to stand the kneeler up. Apparent it was not attached to the pew so it flips over and off under the pew ahead of us. HistoryBoy just shut down. We got the kneeler back in place but he just put his head in his lap and rocked for a few min. I got him back on track mostly by the Our Father, but he was still a little off. Mass ended, crisis over or averted sort of...
Part 3: After a rest for myself at home, we went to my mom's to help with Easter dinner prep. HistoryBoy stood on the steps waiting, watching out the window for a full hour, waiting for my brother to arrive with my 2 yr old nephew. He wouldn't move from that spot until they arrived because he didn't want to miss them getting here.
exhausted and now easily upset because he is tired. We give him two chores to do, but apparently that was too many, he crashes and burns a starts to bang his head against the wall tonight 3 times them he stops. I tried to get him to stop this behavior but he tells me it calms him, so while it scares the craps out of me it makes him feels better, I think I need the psychologist to explain that one to me...
Each piece had its good parts and each piece had a Aspie trait show up. But if my experiences help you, then it has done some good. :) Look forward to hearing from you
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