I usually take it easy. Very easy. I know I can't do things two days in a row. But I said I'll push myself a little. Now Day 3, I am barely out of bed. I think I need to boil my body in a HOT HOT bath and hope it helps. Meds didn't seem to help again much today.
I overdid it this weekend and I feel rotten but I wanted to see be able to do things like a "normal" person. Go to a movie on Friday, hang out with friends on Saturday and go to a play on Sunday. My body is crying now and I know I should have NOT gone to the movie but my hubby and son really wanted to go and I gave in. Now it will take me this whole week to recoup and I know it. I need to find a way to enjoy life and not fall apart.
This all started because HistoryBoy had asked to go to the movies, I said I wasn't sure, I would have to see how I was feeling.. He says to me "I wish you were healthier so we could do more fun things." He wasn't trying to be mean, to him it was a logical, Asperger answer. Truthful and logical and just wanting to spend "fun" time with his mom. So I sent my son off to school and called my hubby at work and told him I was going to rest all day so we could go to the movies Friday night. When I already knew I had plans for Sat night and Sun Afternoon. But it was a fun weekend. I just wish my body handled them better.
Katie, I know. It's is always choosing someone or something over another. Most of the time, it's ok with my friends and family. They know me and my body now. I guess somehow shortchanging my son felt bad. It is a never ending juggle. Thanks for the comment!