I'll back up, for those of you that don't know. HistoryBoy has a bully problem. Unfortunately he almost always has a bully problem. He is a smart, unusual and mostly quiet inside himself kid, which makes him a perfect target. The big problem is he is super smart, he knows most of the answers in science and social studies and has HUGE background knowledge in addition to what he is learning. It means teachers are impressed, other students, mo so much.
The issue this year stems from several students calling him a Retard. He didn't even know what it was. He came home from school asking me what it meant. I told him if the bully calls him it again, simply tell him, "I am smarter than you so what does that make you?" That seemed to make him happier, I got him on the bus the day I gave him that ammo. He came home from school and told me the same child had called him a douche when he gave his reply. I explained what that was and why he was *NOT* that. I told him he needed to say "Do you even know what that it?" Because I can almost guarantee the bully does not, he is simply repeating something he heard.
HistoryBoy has been dealing with bullies since about 3rd grade. Before that the kids in his class all knew him and were his friends, and understanding of his quirks. In 4th grade, he hated going to school on the bus. We complained and a child got removed from the bus. But it took more than just me and Matt reporting him. The child finally harassed someone else and now that it was a pattern.. Move forward 2 years. Same child is now on the middle school bus with him, harassing him, calling names, hitting. Matt reported him to bus driver, driver told him to be quiet and sit down. SO when he finally pushed the kid back, guess who go into trouble. We had witnesses on the bus, along with HistoryBoy's testimony about what happened but they found "no evidence" and child remained on bus, so I had to drive my son to school for the rest of the school year or until we moved toward end of the year and he rode another bus.
This year, I know I started talking about the bullying. A TEACHER heard him being harassed and reported it. They said they found no evidence. Part of the problem is HistoryBoy himself. He tells me he ignores them and tries to not let them bother him because he knows he is not what they call him. So as far as the school is concerned, he is mentally fine. But he is not ok, just because he is not letting the bully make him cry in school or hiding in the bathroom does not mean he is ok! They are not the one dealing with my son at home and seeing the effects in the morning if I try to get him to ride the bus or after school when he gets off the bus.
I am at my wit's end and I need help.
I don't want my son to be a statistic.
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