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Thursday, June 30, 2011
5 Things I Did NOT Need to See Poolside
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
My Body Loves the Water
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Poolside Problems
Saturday, June 25, 2011
Not Wanting to be Solitary
I am beginning to wonder if HistoryBoy picked up our family’s teaching “gene.” I come from a family of teachers, and he loves to share his knowledge with everyone and anyone who shows and interest in it. He is especially good with younger children and answering their questions, which I love and think is AWESOME. He says something they don’t understand, usually because he likes big words, and then he tries to explain so that they do.
But I digress, he has asked me lately about having a friend over, which I am not opposed to, but I am still not feeling healthy and after he gets outs of school a lot of days are spent with me napping, so after school play is not really an option unless I am feeling better. He is craving more social interaction and I am lacking the energy/time to be able to get it for him.
So when we get back from this trip to Florida, I have to try to figure out how to get him more involved with other kids who like what he like. Do you think there is a History Club for 10 years olds? I think my problem will be finding a child his age with similar interests. His interests tend to be older and/or younger than his age, ie Thomas trains, which he still loves, or WWII. There are not a lot of 10 year old into Thomas or WWII, but maybe there are some into Legos or Transformers which he also likes, not as much as the first two but it is somewhere to work from.
Friday, June 24, 2011
How to Get to Florida… Eventually
I awake on Tuesday morning to hips so stiff it feels like someone has jammed rods into them. I simply can’t move. I take a hot shower because I can’t see how to maneuver in and out of the tub. It seems to help a little but I still have no idea how I am going to get myself finished and ready. HistoryBoy fell asleep at some point and I try to wake him but again I think I will need a shovel to move him.
Thankfully I only have to drive myself to my mom’s house and my brother is going to drive me to the airport. I leave HistoryBoy for the moment. I need to concentrate on getting myself ready. It takes a lot longer than it should but eventually we are on our way. The only way HistoryBoy got ready is for me to hand him his bathing suit and remind him we will be in Florida in a few hours and he can go swimming. He says ok as long as he can sleep on the plane. At my mom’s, my brother and his fiancé are waiting and then drive us from there to the airport.
Traffic wasn’t too bad and we get there fairly quickly. I am still moving like a slug and in addition now I am feeling like I am going to be sick. Wonderful. My brother goes to get me a wheelchair so I do not have to walk. He gets me help, and then gets in line for me. In the time it takes for them to sort me out, and wait in line, we can no longer check my bags. I have two options. Take 11:00 with a 2 hour layover and get to Florida at 6 or take a 6:00 and get there at 8:15. I ask why can’t you just check my bags. I am feeling at my wits end. I feel horrible. I want to lie down. I do not want to have a layover. I do not want to come back. My brother does not have much patience with my indecision and yells and me. I break down and cry. HistoryBoy wraps his arms around me and hugs me. I feel so awful. I just want to go to bed. I don’t want to get on a plane, but I am supposed to be on this one. And now I can’t.
Ok. DECISION TIME. I can’t do a layover. I know that. One – I feel awful; I do not want to be sick in some random city where I can’t lie down. Two and Three– I have HistoryBoy, he is 10 and has Asperger’s and ADHD, entertaining him and keeping a rein on him for two hours in my condition will not work, unless I have a REALLY BIG history book which I did not bring with me this trip. Four – did I mention I feel like crap? So I guess I have to come back tonight. The woman was nice enough; she told me an exact time to come back for handicap help. And the handicap help woman told me to avoid such problems, just check your bags at the curbs next time.
We go back to my mom’s. I crash in her bed for about 3 - 4 hours, so does HistoryBoy. We wake up feeling much more alive although I am still sore as anything. I am moving slightly faster than a slug now though so it is an improvement. We eat a late lunch and head to the airport and get there just before 5 and check our bags curb side, no probs. Why didn’t I do this earlier? (It cost $4 more but I would have made my flight, DOH) We make it through all of it this time, and through the flight and to Florida.
We arrive about 8:15 pm just like we should and HistoryBoy wants to go swimming because he has been waiting ALL day in his bathing suit to go swimming. I am so tired I could go to bed as soon as we arrive but I can sense a meltdown in the offing and I do not want to start the vacation on a bad note so I tell him that we can go as long as he gets out as soon as I say it is time to get out. I am going to soak for a few minutes in the Hot Tub and see if it helps my hips and he can play in the pool until I am done. He agrees. When we are done, we both crash and do not wake up until after 10 am, closer to 11, the next morning. So begins out Florida vacation.
Thursday, June 23, 2011
Making in Through Monday
I meant this to go up last night but Murphy’s Law, or maybe it is just me. But anyway, after our adventures of past weekend, I should have allowed for some time to rest as was needed to me to recoup, but as usual I thought I could handle it all and come home and pack for our trip to Florida, which HistoryBoy and I were leaving for on Tuesday morning. Great planning on my part…
HistoryBoy’s last day of school was Monday. He was so tired and worn out from the weekend; I needed a shovel to get him out of bed. AND the last day of school was basically a carnival for the kids, and a day to pick up report cards. He was not missing it. I knew how he felt though. I was scraping myself out of bed as well but I knew I had to get him to school and get stuff done today if we were going to leave tomorrow.
I finally did get him off to school. How bad is it to be late on the last day of school? Do they give awards for bad parent of the year? When I left him at school, he was sitting with his class on the grass by the black top waiting for their turn in the kick ball tournament but he had his head on his knee and was falling asleep. HyperGirl seemed to be nudging him every so often so maybe he wouldn’t fall all the way to sleep.
I get back to my house and begin packing. I get a phone call, do I want to come visit my Grandmom before I leave. I said Of course HistoryBoy and I would come over when he gets out of school as it is only a half day. I get as much done as I can which isn’t a lot and I have to crash for a little bit until HistoryBoy gets home because I am just too tired. I am achy and need sleep. My aunt comes to pick us up and we head to my Grandmom’s.
We have a nice visit but you can tell both HistoryBoy and I are tired. HB is playing with his cars and keeps bringing my aunt over to see them but isn’t talking about anything else and really won’t answer other questions without A LOT of prodding from me, usually it takes a reminder of Your GG asked you a question for him to pay attention or to respond, but he is in single mind mode only, please do not disturb. He has been playing with Cars cars (ie from the movie Cars) and having races in preparation I guess for the new movie coming out Friday, who know.
My aunt drops me at my mom’s house so I can have dinner. I am completely zonked but we should eat food and my brother is going to take me home after dinner. After dinner I go home finish packing as best I can with a tired brain, and believe me when I unpack, I realize how tired I was and I C.R.A.S.H. Apparently HistoryBoy is too excited about vacation and can’t sleep now even though he is exhausted. I tell him as long as he doesn't keep me awake, lie down on the sofa, keep the T.V. low, and have at it. I do not know what time he fell asleep. I was asleep before I hit the pillow. Tomorrow off to Florida.
Monday, June 20, 2011
Wonderful Exhausting Weekend

Saturday, June 18, 2011
The Long and the Short of It
"Mom" sob sob sob, as he rock back and forth. I rub his back. I know HistoryBoy. It's ok. "But mom" I know honey, come here and he climbs onto my lap and I cuddle him until he feels secure again and not overwhelmed. HistoryBoy, you are an amazing little man. And he just hugs me really tight.
Or it could have gone like this.
"Mom, that guy doesn't understand. I read about Hiroshima and I know all about the Enola Gay. It's a Boeing B-29 Super-fortress bomber. On 6 August 1945, it became the first aircraft to drop an atomic bomb on city of Hiroshima, Japan. About 80,00 people were killed that day alone, and then radiation killed ten of thousands more. Years later leukemia began killing even more people. I've watched history channel about it and read Sadako and the Thousand Paper Cranes. I know what happened is true mommy. I didn't make it up and I am not a dumb kid. Why would he say that mommy? I know I am not dumb. He can't say things like that can he? Why can he say things like that? I wasn't mean to him. I didn't make anything up." HistoryBoy, please calm down. He doesn't know you. He doesn't know what you know or know how well you research everything you do know. He doesn't know how smart you really are. I want you to take a deep breath for mean and relax. Ok? I think your brain is going to explode in a moment if you don't. "M-O-M" Ok, maybe it won't explode but come sit next to me ok. I know you know what you are talking about but everyone else doesn't always know that. You are the smartest person I know. You have an AMAZING brain. Can I switch with you? "Mom, it doesn't work that way. Once you detach my brain my body won't work so even if it attaches to your head it won't move your body." See too smart for me. I love you pumpkin head. "M-O-M"
The conversation still would have read that it went like this...
"Mom, why didn't that guy believe me?" I explained to him that not everyone has the same point of view. "But mom I didn't make it up. It is what happened in WWII. I watched the documentaries about the dogfights and battleships" I know honey. Some people just don't understand how someone so small can package so much knowledge. Since you didn't live through it, you can't know it. "Really?" Some people. "oh" But I know you know all kinds I things I don't know, that's lots of people don't know. You are amazing. "I know."
Friday, June 17, 2011
Mom, Why Didn't He Believe Me?
Thursday, June 16, 2011
Venting on a Bad Day (for me)
I've done it before. But I was younger and maybe I bounced back easier. I am not bouncing back. I feel more sluggish everyday, but on a positive note, I am having less headaches. Maybe one a week or less, but how do I function when my body just wants to sleep. I have an active 10 year old for a son who will soon be on summer break. He is understanding when mommy is sick but right now, I am not.
Sometimes I feel he deserves more from me. I know every once in a while he feels that way but most of the time he is happy with his mom the way she is because I am just that he mom, the only one he has. So how do I balance me. Right now, I can't because me isn't moving in direction I want it to and it sucks. I feel like I am stuck in this horrible achy sleepy wasteland that I can't get out of.
On another positive note, my family says my mood had improved, so I am happy about not feeling well. Not sure how I feel about that. Talk to you tomorrow
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Strange Bedfellows
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
First Class Trip
Monday, June 13, 2011
It's Still One of Those Days
Sunday, June 12, 2011
Picture of the Week

Friday, June 10, 2011
Please Don't Overwhlem The Autistic Child
When I approach with my cart I can tell HistoryBoy is approaching meltdown city. His eyes are almost tearing. He latches on to me an hides behind me. "Is that boy deaf or mute?" No. "He was getting into trouble, stealing stuff. I caught him just in time"
Now, Creepy old guy is not a Target employee, apparently he is just a guy there to scare my son. So I say 'My son was looking at the cards while I went to get laundry detergent. He was picking out what he wanted to get.' "He won't look me in the eye. He is up to something and he won't answer me when I ask him a question."
This creepy old guy may mean well and all, hey if HistoryBoy was stealing I would want to know, but I know he wasn't, he just doesn't talk to adults he doesn't. So today instead of saying My son has Asperger's, and getting a blank stare from Mr Creepy. I just say My son is autistic. He looks at me and says "Oh, I had a cousin like that when I was a kid." And he walks away. O-ok.
How do we protect our children from all the people who would yell at them and overwhelm their senses, some of them well meaning, some of them jerks. Maybe I should just buy/make him a T-shirt that says, it YES, I have Asperger's, and YES it is a form of Autism. Today may be ok, tomorrow not so much. I think we could all use a shirt like that!
Thursday, June 9, 2011
Long Road to the National Anthem
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
Peace, Love and my Childhood Toys

"Dude, imagine a girl with a rainbow on her belt, wearing a rainbow colored outfit, spreading colors and saving the world."
"Awesome, and all her helpers can be named after all the colors of the rainbow"
"Wow dude that blows my mind. What if the bad guys are the ones trying to stop color from spreading in the world."
"We should totally go talk to John. I heard his Dad owns a toy company"
Isn't it a wonder we all turned out as well as we did? LOL
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Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Black and White and Shades of Grey
Monday, June 6, 2011
Sorry this is a Late Posting...
Sunday, June 5, 2011
Picture of the Week - Childhood Memories

Saturday, June 4, 2011
More of HistoryBoy and HyperGirl
Friday, June 3, 2011
My Memorial Day Meltdown
Thursday, June 2, 2011
My Journey into Lupus Continues

Wednesday, June 1, 2011
5 Questions I Should NOT Have to Answer About My Blog