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Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Strange Bedfellows

HistoryBoy has a strange method of sleeping. We used to call him PillowButt at a young age. He would steal all the pillows and sleep on them in a big lump. Now he is 10 and sometimes that nickname can still apply. It is strange though. One night he needs to sleep on top of every pillow or stuffed animal he can find. The next he needs to sleep on the floor because the bed is not comfortable. Some nights, I have found the bed full of wooden trains, or metal planes and when I try to remove them he wakes to tell me "NO, don't they help me sleep" I do not know if this is an Asperger's thing or just restricted to my son, but it stumps me.

We have bunk beds in his room for just this reason. One bed has a mattress, one does not. If he wants to sleep on the mattress, he can, if he wants to sleep on the wood, he can. He doesn't always sleep well so maybe these methods help him try to control his sleep and he is trying to make himself sleep better or feel more secure. If this is the case, he's not talking.

Not talking is not new. We all know that one, but in this case, it makes it very tough to figure out how to know what to do. He will flip flop back and forth from wanting the softest blanket to sleep with to the hardest surface on. I try to accommodate because I found not accommodating just makes it harder to get him to sleep that night and/or impossible the next day. Someone recommended a weight blanket to me for him to sleep under and I am looking into trying it for him. Once I get it, I will let you know how it goes. Maybe it will help, I don't think it can make it worse. I'll keep you posted

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