Did you ever take the time to really think about our childhood? I was born in 1975. I grew up in the 80s. My favorite TV shows and toys were Rainbow Brite, Strawberry Shortcake, Care Bears and Smurfs. I want each of you to take a moment to think about each of these shows.

First, take the Care Bears. I think they are the Poster Children of the 70s Love Child. Make Love, Not War. Maybe a bunch of Grateful Dead

fans got together, (I do not know what the teddy bear have to do with Grateful dead, if you are a dead head, and know, you can let me know, politely of course, but the picture fits) and said "Whoa, what if those bears were all friends and could shoot caring out of their stomachs and make the whole world care. The could live in clouds and travel around on rainbows, and chant, Care-A-Lot, We Care-A-Lot!

Now I think Strawberry Shortcake went a little differently. I loved her and her berrific cohorts, do not get me wrong. However, I think some toy exec was baking some funny brownies when she came up with this one. Food can save the world and make you feel better. It is either a recipe for solving the munchies or making me fat. Strawberry Shortcake and friends grow all their own food, cook and/or bake, which is admirable, especially since I think they were all supposed to be young kids and babies, and then they had bake-offs and the EVIL Purple Pieman would always try to spoil their baking and win, but he never could. Food can solve all your problems and it ALWAYS saves the day in Strawberryland!

Now, I loved Rainbow Brite. She was the ULTIMATE for me. I owned the large and small version of this doll. Ohhh Ahhh. Anyway. But imagine coming up with the concept. I don't think it happened around a board table. I think it went more like,
"Dude, imagine a girl with a rainbow on her belt, wearing a rainbow colored outfit, spreading colors and saving the world."
Awesome, and all her helpers can be named after all the colors of the rainbow"
"Wow dude that blows my mind. What if the bad guys are the ones trying to stop color from spreading in the world."
We should totally go talk to John. I heard his Dad owns a toy company"
Isn't it a wonder we all turned out as well as we did? LOL
Feel free to leave a comment or email me at teenahope@gmail.com
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