This is about 3 1/2 feet tall built out of mega block which according to HistoryBoy are just like Legos and you can build them together with Legos but they don't stay together as well. I guess the Thomas people didn't ask HistoryBoy before making this. LOL. We all rode the Thomas train and saw the sites and HistoryBoy had a blast. The played a soundtrack of Thomas songs on the train and HistoryBoy sang along to every song. I am not sure how he knew every single one of them but he did. It was nice to be in open space and clean fresh air. Although after the train ride, I think I was cooked from the heat about 1/2 hr into the day but I sat down and drank some lemonade and sat in an air conditioned store. I felt nauseous, fortunately I did NOT throw up. Point for me!
We went back to Ariel and Eric's dinner, and I went to bed right after. I woke up around 8am Sunday morning to the sounds of the kids playing, not loudly, just quietly enough that I could hear them and I wanted to see what they were up to. Ok, they were fine, I am going back to sleep. Plopped back into bed. I slept on and off alot of the day unfortunately because I had a horrible headache. Angus, HistoryBoy Eric, Max and Doodle went fishing. Doodle was the only one to catch anything. I thought that was AWESOME. GIRL POWER! Showing up the boys!
I think I napped again. See a theme here. Ariel and I chatted and caught up because we hadn't done that is sooo long. We haven't spent more than an hour or two in each others company in years. So we were enjoying ourselves. We had an early dinner and Ariel and Eric took the 3 kids to Dutch Wonderland. All 3 had a great time. HistoryBoy was so happy when he came back. He wants to go back again. I said we will. I just need a little time to recoup...
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