Breakfast: I decided to try the Apple Cinnamon Chex, which I really liked, but I used Almond Milk with them and I was not crazy about the combination. Live and learn...
Lunch: I decided I needed to start making some foods. I LOVE tomato soup and there are none I could find in ShopRite that were Gluten Free. I found one can of vegetarian vegetable that was gluten free but it seemed EVERY other type had some form of Gluten in it... SO I made Gluten Free Tomato Soup. The recipe was easy! It was a little bland so I ended up using double the amount of Italian Seasoning added some garlic too. Angus loved it and he doesn't like Tomato Soup. So score one for me!
For a lunch dessert I made Apple Fritters. I changed the recipe to make it Gluten Free. I used all-purpose gluten free flour and rice milk. Since I hadn't liked the Almond Milk with my breakfast I used rice. I figured it would be light enough not to change the flavor too much. History Boy and Angus LOVED them. History Boy kept wanting more. Score two for me! Yay!
Dinner: Ok, Friday is out order out night, usually. Apparently no delivery places have a gluten free pizza, LOL. So the guys decided to order chinese, and since I couldn't think of anything that would be gluten free from there I made myself some more Beans and Franks and I had a small cup of Oikos Greek Vanilla Yogurt as well.
Day 4: (Saturday, January 4, 2014)
Breakfast: So I stuck with Apple Chex, but I used rice milk instead. I only used enough to wet the cereal, not fill the bowl like I usually do with cow's milk, since I wasn't sure I would love it yet. I really did like it. The milk was ok, I don't care for it on its own, but it was good with the cereal and didn't overpower like the Almond Milk had the day before. I got History Boy to eat them as well, although he ate them dry. He still doesn't eat cereal with milk on it. I don't know if that's a taste or texture thing for him but whatever.
Lunch: History Boy bowls on Saturday afternoons. Since breakfast was kinda late, I ate an apple before we left figuring I'd get something else later. There is nothing Gluten Free there and Angus went and picked up KFC for himself and History Boy. Um, it smelled sooo good. But I didn't eat any. I started to get a headache so I bought a Coke and went to vending machine and bought some cashews. I figured it would be enough protein to hold me until I got him and could get something.
Dinner: I made grilled chicken breast for dinner, with mixed brown rice and spinach.
Day 5: (Sunday, January 5, 2014)
Breakfast: I had the Apple Cinnamon Chex again. If it works, why not? I picked up some gluten-free pancake mix to try so one day this coming week, I am going to try them.
Lunch: I ate some plain chicken breast and I had a small cup of the greek yogurt again.
Dinner: Angus is out of town, beans and franks for me again. LOL That seems to be my stand by. It's about 500-800 calories depending on exactly how much I eat of it. Toss in a small salad and I am good to go.
Snacks: I had two apple today. There were huge ones too, so they satisfied my cravings.
I am getting the hang of it. Label reading. Double checking. I do not notice a huge difference in myself yet. Maybe I will notice more as time goes on.
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