Label Reading Confusion...
I admit it, this label reading thing is driving me nuts! I mean who would have thought DRIED APRICOTS would not just be APRICOTS! I guess I am sticking to fresh/frozen fruit mostly, and raisins which thankfully are just raisins, no additives. (At least the containers I have)
Here is something just as confusing for me. I purchased a few items that were listed as Gluten-Free. For instance, Dr. Praeger's Sweet Potato Pancakes. It says Gluten-Free RIGHT on the label. Yet, when you read the back of the box, it tells you it was made in a facility that uses wheat, soy, milk, eggs and fish. Do you understand my confusion?
Am I safe eating other products that have the same warning, with no gluten or dairy in their ingredients? Or it is only safe if it says Gluten-Free? A lot of products do have such labeling, but not all, and most just tell you it was processed in a facility/factory...
Can you see why this diet is driving me a little nutty? When HistoryBoy was young and we found out he was allergic to peanuts and chocolate (Yes I know that sucks... No Reese's Peanut Butter Cups for him EVER!), I read every label. I didn't want him to break out in hives or worse have the allergy turn into anaphylaxis. Once we got the feel for what he could and couldn't eat and which products were safe, I stopped being an aggressive label reader. Every once in a while when I picked up a new product I would check it out but everything else just stopped.
Now I am in a label reading frenzy. It seems ALOT of my favorite foods have ingredients I can't have. (Look in a later blog for my own recipe for Gluten-Free Lasagna!!) I am learning/trying to adapt. There seems to not be alot of labels that read, made in a gluten-free facility. (I will give Ronzoni Gluten-Free their props, it DOES say that.)
So where do I go from here? Can anyone help me? Thanks ahead of time...
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