He has been doing well, Asperger-wise for a while. He can be quirky but he has been mostly happy (once his meds were adjusted). Yet out of the blue comes a day (this past Monday) where he is almost completely non-verbal. He was not feeling well so that contributed to it, but he had a Dr. appointment and he is usually good with Doctors, answering their questions but he wouldn't even look at the doc.
Now normally I can try an coax or cajole he into a better mood, or he will want to cuddle, or curl up next to me with the blanket over his head until he feels better. Today when I try to touch him, I get hissed or growled at. Fun times. And of course Angus is out of town for work so I am coping on my own. I have done it before but I have gotten used to sharing the load.

By Tuesday afternoon he is some better, his mood is not happy but he isn't hissing and growling. I can get one word answers, which are mostly "no", and an occasional "Leave me alone." Along with this he is not eating, so while I know he isn't feeling well, he needs to eat to feel better. I get tired of arguing for food and finally break down and hand him a bag of cookies. (At least its something) So other than gatorade, some soda and minimal food, that's it for 2 days. His doc put him on an antibiotic on Monday so because he hasn't eaten he awakes with diarrhea Tuesday night, throughout the night, into the next day (today). The family doc has no openings until tomorrow. So we wait until tomorrow, hoping this stops because using Imodium isn't allowed because just in case you have a virus on top of infection, it wont "go through" you completely. YAY!
At least now, he is a semi-happy kid. He is watching YouTube videos and laughing. So it's a start AND I got him to eat half a bowl of soup and some shredded cheese. I just keep telling myself tomorrow will be better...
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